Vietnamese Typing - Gõ Tiếng Việt trực tuyến
Vietnamese unicode typing, danh tieng viet, go tieng viet co dau, đánh tiếng việt, gõ tiếng việt online.
Cách đánh Tiếng Việt có dấu
Kiểu đánh | sắc | huyền | hỏi | ngã | nặng | mũ | móc | trăng | đ |
TELEX | s | f | r | x | j | aa | ow | aw | dd |
VIQR | ‘ | ` | ? | ~ | . | ^ | * | ( | dd |
VNI | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Examples of typing: Tôi gõ Tiếng Việt tại đây rất tốt này. Hãy như tôi
TELEX | Tooi gox Tieesng Vieejt taji ddaay raast toost nafy. Haxy nhuw tooi |
VIQR | To^i go~ Tie^’ng Vie^.t ta.i dda^y ra^’t to^’t na`y. Ha~y nhu* to^i |
VNI | To6i go4 Tie61ng Vie65t ta5i d9a6y ra61t to61t na2y. Ha4y nh7 to6i |
Xin chào. Anh yêu em | |
Telex | Xin chaof. Anh yeeu em |
Vni | Xin chaoy. Anh ye6u em |
VIQR | Xin cha`o. Anh ye^u em |
So easy to Type Vietnamese right in our website and copy to paste to anywhere you need. We love Vietnamese. We love Vietnamese Foods. We love Vietnamese Girls. We are Vietnamese people.
The Vietnamese tones
TT | Thanh | English | Example |
1 | Ngang | no mark | Dương Ngô |
2 | Huyền | grave accent | Cà |
3 | Sắc | acute accent | Bí Quyết |
4 | Hỏi | hook above | Củ Tỏi |
5 | Ngã | tilde above | Mãn Nhãn |
6 | Nặng | dot below | Trục trặc |
You don’t need to install any software or make any adjustments. Start typing what you want to write in Vietnamese in the white box below, in whatever typing method you’re most familiar with. When finished, press the Select All button (Ctrl + A) what you wrote here, then use the Copy button (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) anywhere else you want like gmail, Microsoft Word , forum…
Vietnamese writing for tourists. Type Vietnamese for students. Online Vietnamese typing for Business, Investors.
See more about how to type Vietnamese Vni and VIQR here
Vietnamese Alphabet
The Vietnamese alphabet consists of 29 letters

The Vietnamese Alphabet (Vietnamese: Bảng chữ cái Tiếng Việt; Chữ Quốc ngữ; literally national language script) is the modern writing system for the Vietnamese language.
Vietnamese uses the Latin script, based on its employment in the alphabets of Romance languages. Like in particular the Portuguese alphabet. With some orthography and the addition of nine accent marks or diacritics.
Four of them to create additional sounds, and the other five to indicate the tone of each word. The many diacritics, often two on the same vowel, make written Vietnamese easily recognizable on website, on messenger and on books.